Sunday, March 21, 2010

Savepoints: Ragekill FTW

Ok, I'm going to post this up since its whatever now.
Wasup peeps! I'm back and holy shit was I surprised for my birthday! Thanks to my girlfriend for giving me a great surprise party. Safe to say, it was a great night, except for a few drunken problems but those happen at any good party.

Today's Game Tangent comic has to do with two characters which are basically my versions of me and my best friend Peter(who has a great reading blog too

This specific comic idea is completely from Socrates Poche, I just drew it.

Game Tangent: Ragekill FTW
Click for best view!
BOOM! HEADSHOT! No headshot. My mistake.

So yeah, let me know what you like/not like about this. I need to improve and want to know where to start. Its my spring break so im going to game & relax so I'll try to update maybe once about something else if I can. Take this as a good time to look through my old stuff. :D

My email:

1 comment:

  1. YES. I have had the exact same thought. Nice comics, bro!


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