Thursday, October 14, 2010

LBP2 + Art of War

This is the original version!

This is the re-done version:
This is part two of my assignment and I'm liking what I did with it. I was going for like a 1 page ad in a magazine so I was told to stress the feature, not the game, in the redo. Let me know what you guys this about these two posters and which one looks better and how they could look better.

Comic-Con pictures are coming in soon but let me tell you about the talented man who I met there:
Kelly Roman
Kelly Roman has adapted Sun Tzu's book, Art of War into a comic.

Turning this into this!
He's adapting this dense but interesting book into an actual story-line that encompasses about 70% about the original lines and take it from me, it's pretty cool.
The art is awesome, I saw a draft of the book.
The finished product will look even better.
Definitely check out his site for more info!


  1. I can't decide! I like them both!
    I think I like one, then I look at the other and like it too.
    Great job!

  2. I do prefer the first one, most probably because of the fact that it looks slightly more structured as it is more symmetrical. The second one is still good though, but I think the skewing of the images to different sides makes me like it less :D

  3. I agree with SCL TR.first one´s the bes t but in the REAL game the creature is a lot more cute. very well, they are really good!

  4. @Gabriele - Lol thanks, in all honesty, I think I'm going to make a mashup of both into a third and final poster, it'll look more like the original though.

    @SCLTR- I get you. The only reason I did it was because my teacher informed me it'd look better to intertwine the text with the image more. I'm not sure I did it well but yeah. Thanks for commenting!

    @Nicolas- Lol, yeah I guess I should make them look cuter. Guess I still need to keep practicing! Thanks for commenting!
    Drawing Time! Drawing Time! Drawing Time!


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